Batallón de Castigo interview

2023.11.14. 04:26



ZOG put me aside for a while at the end of the '90s, and then I was allowed to return to those members of society who voluntarily choose servitude, "free" slavery, the musical palette of NS changed a lot, became more colorful and complex. At this time, I received a pirated cassette compilation with the song "En un talego de Alcala" by Battalon de Castigo. This recording really blew me off my feet. I wound it back and forth and listened, I could say I listened to the tape on a whim and in the meantime I made the neighbours happy. A little while later, I read an interview with the band, then I got almost all the information I know about you now, and besides the music and the ideological content, I really liked the story of how the band was formed, which is a testimony to the mission of "our own kind" and the fight that we have with the world powers. Since then, only scraps of information and some concert dates have reached me....unfortunately afterwards.

- I went to prison in April 1990, as a result of several fights in the street. In one of them someone died. A few months before, together with some friends we had already thought about learning to play instruments to form a band in the future. And coincidentally, inside the prison there was an educational activity to learn to play instruments and there was even a band functioning, which played covers. The only thing I did, in short, was continue with my long-term plan, only this time my companions would be prisoners like me.

You do not play the traditional RAC music together with the ideological content, but with the more energetic and complex thrash metal.

Where does the love of that genre derive from?

- Almost all of us who started with this band came from the Heavy Metal and Thrash Metal culture of the 80's and early 90's, being followers of the classic bands of the genre. And from the first moment we were clear that, in accordance with our tastes, the band would be musically focused on that musical style that we had always liked so much.

Weren't you afraid in the beginning that on the RAC platform your music would be too 'harsh' or did you aim at some other audience?

-Well, there was some anecdote in that sense, yes. You have to understand that at that time there was nothing even remotely similar on the scene, and not just the Spanish one. The musical contrast of image and everything with the current then, based exclusively on the Oi! style. It was obvious and it sometimes gave us some funny moments, because our potential audience, before becoming a determined BdC Fan, used to go through a phase of “perplexity”. Then, curiously, our fans became the most fanatical and wild ones on the scene. And until now.

It is no exaggeration to say that you are in the "NS top 3" thanks to your unique guitar playing and presentation style. In terms of guitar, who were your influences?

- Your words are very kind. We do not consider ourselves virtuoso, but we always try, particularly live (the recordings are usually of poor quality, due to the lack of means at that time), to give the best of ourselves. We don't just recite songs, we feel them. And the public ends up noticing that. At first I didn't sing, we had a singer, but he left and we couldn't find a replacement, so it was my turn to take the microphone. My guitar references coincide with my tastes at the time, early Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer...

And who were the singers influencing you?

- Well, faced with the challenge of playing guitar and microphone at the same time, the three bands mentioned do the same, since their singers also play guitar or bass at the same time. I also really like the Death Metal groups of the late 80's and the HC bands of the mid-80s, pioneers of their genre.

Please tell me about the recording of the albums and its conditions.

- We were able to record our first album several years before it finally was. We asked permission from the prison for a technician to enter with the necessary material to record. What happened is that they saw the lyrics of the songs and they suspended the permit and penalized us, so we had to wait years to be able to leave for a few days to organize the recordings.

Have you got any memorable stories about working in studios?

- By the time we went to record “Caña de España” Álvaro (Drums) had been transferred. Finally we were able to coincide those days of leave with the people from the Studio, the Record Company, etc. A few days later, Álvaro had an attack of appendicitis and had to undergo emergency surgery, so the recording was done with a bandage that had to be monitored all the time because his sutures broke all the time.

It was the first time for us in a real studio and like good rookies we made a multitude of mistakes, but we learned something from everything that happened. The studio was next to an Art Academy full of reds and on the second or third day the police showed up there to ask what we were doing xD

Were all the songs on the 'Cana de Espana' born when you were in prison or did you work on it after that too?

- Yes, they are all songs that we played inside the prison.

Did you have concerts in the beginning of your career? If yes, what other bands did you perfeorm with and how was your music welcomed?

-As BdC, inside the Prison, our first concert was in September 1991. In addition to our own songs, we played covers of well-known rock groups and the people there really liked it. We opened for a few bands that came to play, some quite well-known, and we appeared in the press a few times. Then when we left we continued, with the limitations of our situation. For my part, except for 7 Muelles and recently with "El Vándalo", I have not had a position in other bands, except for some occasional collaboration with friends. The rest of the band have participated in or created various well-known bands on the Spanish scene.

As I see it, when we look at the style, the 'Mentiras' and 'Al arma' are the two favourite of the audience, how do you see those two songs and which songs are the closest to you?

Mentiras is a song that people like a lot, I think because we are all so punished by propaganda that sometimes a little relief, in the form of saying very clearly that we do not believe everything they tell us, is good. The song also has a cadence and rhythm that make it easy to sing and that certainly helps a lot. We just can't go to a site and say “we are not going to play it”. A riot would break out.

Al Arma, well, we have to thank Intolleranza for making that brilliant adaptation in 1995 on their album “Tutti all inferno”. Damn, it was SO GOOD that as soon as we heard it we decided we should play that anthem in Spanish, which by the way I have done again with another classic song (Ragazzi In Nero) in my solo project “El Vándalo”. Italians are devilishly good at music.

There are songs for which I have a special affection for different reasons, for some anecdote when creating them, for the background of its lyrics, for the energy it gives off... it is difficult, because it is like asking a father which child he loves the most, hahaha !, but hey, they are the ones that are always on the set-list…


After long silence, there were rumors that you could have concerts in your country, unfortunately, I missed it, but fortunately there are recordings available for the future. It is an amazing gig and fantastic atmospere!

-Thank you so much! Yes, recording that concert professionally was an excellent idea and it will stay there for the future. Due to our complicated personal situations, it has not been possible to play as often as we would have liked, and the situation in Spain is increasingly difficult, but hey, I hope that over time things can be done like in the past.

How do you remember this concert?

- Well, I remember it with special fondness because it is a place that I had met by chance a few years before, during a leave. I had been there before, I had even gone on stage (it was not a concert day, there was some kind of Convention), and I told myself that it would be great to play there, in one of the best concert halls in Madrid at that time. And finally we did it. I think everyone was pretty happy.

Which are those NS mainstream bands you like?

- Now, in these years, music is being made with a level of production and creativity that we could only dream of in the 80s and 90s, thanks to the many technical advances and the commitment of the new generations of musicians. Citing some and not others would not seem right to me, but lately I have been very aware of the high level of current bands in Italy and Germany in general. The Axis is still more alive than ever hahaha!

Please tell us about the punishment you got from ZOG because of your idiological beliefs.

- As a result of a concert held in Barcelona a few years ago, a criminal case was orchestrated by a prosecutor dedicated exclusively to persecuting people for their opinions in which two people totally unrelated to the concert, a colleague from another band and myself We were sentenced to a year and a half in prison at the end of 2018. We appealed to the Supreme Court alleging, among other reasons, that they had applied articles that were not in force at the time of the events, which is openly illegal, but a year later The Supreme Court limited itself to reproducing the previous ruling. We currently have it elevated to the Constitutional Court, only for the purpose of establishing that various Rights have been violated when sentencing us. The original request for me by the Hate Prosecutor was eleven years in prison for singing.

Unfortunately, the antifa has strong basis and financial support in your country. Do they mean any threat to you and your loved ones?

- More than that. They are in the Government of the country. The pressure to silence us is constant and at all levels, including threatening concert hall owners so they don't let us play. They use all means, legal and illegal, to prevent us from expressing ourselves, as well as the other bands in Spain. Despite everything, things are done, but we must be very careful.

If I remember well, about 20 years ago there was a video on the internet where you performed accustic songs in front of an audience. What could you tell me about this performance?

- True, it was in a political act, from the Alianza Nacional party, with which I was collaborating at the time. It was in Valencia and an almost improvised thing. There were problems with the sound equipment and I got on to give some atmosphere to the friends who were there.

Have you got any contact with the Spanish metal mainstream? Does anybody from those musicians knows your music?

- Yes, I have. With well-known people in that environment who carry their affinity with BdC with a certain…discretion. Even in their day, many years ago, they came to offer us to become part of that "Mainstream", provided of course, that we modify our message.

You can already imagine the answer, so here we are.

Who are those historical figures you consider your idols?

In addition to national figures for whom I have special affection and respect, such as Onesimo Redondo, among our references I would mention, for example, Leon Degrelle or Codreanu, but there are so many...


Some quick questions:

Slayer or Haemmorrage?

- Slayer, no doubt. They were one of my main references.

Martial arts or football?

- If I have to choose, football. Although I would mark both if I could.

Hiking in nature or busy towns?

- Nature, always. The field and the sea.

Your symbol is obvious, but would you talk about what the band thinks about religion?

- Well, it is always a delicate matter, and one that I prefer to leave to the individual discretion of each person. Each person lives their spirituality in their own way, I have always practiced that. For my part, the opinion on religion in general and Christianity in particular is not very positive. There is also the circumstance that in my country there was a very harsh Civil War in which Religion was an important factor and over the years those who were saved from being assassinated have shown incredible levels of ingratitude.

How do you see the future of Spain? What do you consider the main danger/threat?

-In my opinion, the main danger for my country is internal. Communism, in its renewed form, and above all separatism, which go hand in hand and to which not the slightest concession should be made. It is true that we all have enemies common to all, I am talking of course about “chosen peoples” and so on, but we have resisted well when they have attacked us directly in the past. Unfortunately separatists and neocommies are now their useful fools and being used by them they do not stop gnawing at the foundations of the Nation. Other phenomena such as immigration are only derived problems or symptoms of the disease.

You said that because of ZOG it is impossible for you to record a new album. Please talk about this a little for those who do not know about this danger.

- The Court agreed to suspend the sentence on the condition of not committing the same “crime” for a number of years. This is very common in Spain when the sentence is relatively small. By the time those years pass, we'll see. For now, no playing in Spain, that's over, for now.


You can only perform in South and Central America.

- We have played in America and we plan to do it again, and I only have good words for the people there for their high degree of commitment and optimal organization. In both, Mexico and Colombia, the experience has been very satisfactory for everyone, bands and audience, and we are looking forward to planning new forays into the continent.

Please talk about your experience.

- America is far away. Taking European bands there requires a great organizational and economic effort, but both Mexicans and Colombians have proven to be more than up to the task. The reception from the public was excellent, we were certainly not aware of how well known we were in America until we met the people there. They gave the best of themselves and it was very noticeable in how well organized everything was. It is true that due to language or cultural affinity everything is easier for us, but we know that other bands from Italy or the UK have gone and they have done very well too. And we will always be grateful and acknowledge the organizations of the two countries for the good treatment provided.



Recently, you have performed in Hungary. You have said that you had prepared with 20 songs for this performance, but because of the meanness of ZOG you could only perform 10.

Please tell us about this meanness.

- We were really excited to play in Budapest. It is one of the most symbolic capitals of Europe, the pure essence of our Continent, and we prepared a good list of songs. Unfortunately, a few days before, the Court denied permission to travel to our usual drummer. This is frequent. In Spain, with any legal problem, even a small one, the Court will very easily withdraw your passport or permission to travel abroad.

As I say, we learned the bad news within a few days, and after thinking long and hard, we asked for help from our friend Veltesta, who is an accomplished drum artist, who kindly agreed to prepare whatever songs he could to accompany us, as it happened.

Did you have a good time in Hungary what experience do you have from this visit?

-I had a better time than good! After solving the Drummer problem, a great feeling of relief helped a lot to feel relaxed and calm. Gabor and the people of Nordic Sun Records are a reference in the scene, impeccable in all aspects. We of course visited the city, incredibly beautiful, we ate local food and the concert sounded perfect, sharing the stage with three magnificent bands. What more can we ask for? We will return as soon as they ask us.



How do you see yourself in 10 years?

With even less hair, some more wrinkles and I hope doing the same, which is what I like. As we say around here, until the body endures.

Finally, what would you like to tell our readers?

I am very grateful to all those who have accompanied us on this journey over the years. We've had a good time, we've told a lot of uncomfortable truths to bad guys, and we've been the soundtrack to many good and bad times in the lives of our people. I know that the path we have set out to travel is long and difficult, but it is best traveled in good company. Never leave aside your friends and comrades, whom you will know well in difficult times, and only take steps forward. A big hug to everyone and thank you very much for this interview.


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