Van egy Berserker nóta ami így kezdődik:

"A Kelet sötétjéből jöttek, egy ázsiai horda, akik szép Európa elpusztítására törnek"

A dal a Lechfeldi csatáról szól ahol a Magyar seregeket legyőzték Otto seregei 955 augusztus 10-én, megállítva ezzel a Magyar kalandozásokat.

Ma a facebookon egy hc oldal megosztotta a dalt amit legalább 10 magyar nevű személy lájkolt és szívecskézett.

A teljes szöveg angolul:

Berserker: Battle of Lechfeld

Out of the darkness of the East they came, an

asian horde hell bent on the destruction of
fair Europe. Village after village fell in
flames, raped - conquered - destroyed. Many
a man fought until death, defending against the
endless enemy numbers. Doom seemed certain
for the Western man and his proud culture.
The end of the fairest of peoples and the
mightiest of Nations.

Farmers and knights, serfs and their lords
From the green fields of France
To the Northern Fjords
They answered the call of Otto the Great
To help German brothers
Defend Europe's Fate

The sun shone brightly upon the field,
armor and horses, red-crossed shields
Grim and determined, thousands did wait
The Battle of Lechfeld was soon to break

Charge- for your land and your Folk
Strike- amidst fire and smoke
Smash- through the enemy lines
Invasion of Europe, Race against time

Magyar destroyer, Christian Knight
The charge had begun, a race to the fight
The alliance held strong in the fading light
On an unknown field on a midsummer's night
at the end of the battle
amidst thousands of dead
The Great Kings stood, beside their men
a powerful lesson for all to face
If you wish to survive, preserve your Race!

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