
2019.02.03. 15:34

George Burdi a Rahowa egykori énekese, aki később elfordult a mozgalomtól és négerekkel alapított zenekart, most egy új neofolk zenei formációval tért vissza az Überfolkkal. A visszatérést megelőzte egy interjú, melyben megpróbálta a múltját tisztára mosni: http://veriyhteys.tumblr.com/post/168676717555/an-exclusive-interview-with-george-burdi
Aki szereti az ilyen balladisztikus neofolk zenét hajlamos elfelejteni Burdi múltját és élvezni az egyébként kiváló albumot, melyen olyan témákhoz is nyúlt amelyekről korábban csak beszéltek köreinkben, ilyen a dél-afrikai búrok helyzetével foglalkozó dal is:

                                                                           The Final Roar

I remember when your honest eyes
Cast upon my temporal guise
Gave my heart a sudden rise
Uniting me with God

You breathed the life into my bones
Brought the sky into my soul
Saved me from a life alone
Made the desert bloom

Is there any sign of life here?
Is there any hope for change?
For centuries we fought and died here
On this forsaken stage

I remember when your fearful eyes
Spoke to me across the rise
The moment when I realised
To put my faith in God

I recall upon that fateful day
In summer with the kids at play
Birds were singing up in the sky
And no one understands the reason why
They arrived

Is there any sign of life here?
Is there any hope for change?
For centuries we fought and died here
On this forsaken stage

Is there any sign of life here?
Is there any hope for change?
For centuries we fought and died here
On this forsaken stage
Is there any sign of life here?
Does no one hear my cry?
Once we rode the conqueror’s car
But now we face our own demise

Is there any sign of life here?
Is there any hope for change?
For centuries we fought and died here
On this forsaken stage
Is there any sign of life here?
Does no one heed our call?
We are the farmers, we are the Boers
And if this should be our final roar
Know our name

Know our name...

We are the Boers, we are the Boers
Know our name
(The final roar!)
We are the Boers, we are the Boers
Know our name
(Know our name!)
We are the Boers, we are the Boers
Know our name
(The final roar!)
We are the Boers, we are the Boers
Know our name
(Know our name!)
We are the Boers, we are the Boers
And if this should be our final roar
Know our name!

Szerző: Odin88

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: Burdi RAHOWA

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